African conflict management pdf

Pdf african union and conflict resolution in africa. Challenges facing managers in managing conflict in schools 698 compromising people choose this style when it is important to satisfy some of their interests, but not all of them. One can safely state that the international community was, toward the end of the 20 th century, responsive to the african conflict situation if one considers the number of seminars and conferences organised around the theme of conflict management in africa as a reliable indicator. The paper observed that the monocultural political economy of africa is. Regional approaches to conflict management in africa. International context of conflict management in africa during the bipolar era, the cold war competition and rivalries between two ideological blocs largely shaped the security environment of africa states.

Sadc interventions in the democratic republic of the congo. The role of african women in peace building and conflict resolution. Regional approaches to conflict management in africa for the security council, of approaching conflicts in africa from a regional perspective, with an emphasis on west africa and the great lakes region. This paper examines the place of indigenous knowledge in conflict management and peace building, using the hausa speaking people of northern nigeria as a case study. Peters 2006 notes that conflict, at all levels, may arise due to the desire for political, economic and social advantages, greed, egorelated problems. Conflict can be defined as a clash or disagreement often violent between opposing groups or individuals. Communication, conflict management, international organizations introduction africa is a continent wrapped up in conflicts. The resolution, transformation and management of conflict may also produce a winwin situation. The african unions conflict management capabilities council on. Proverbs are further conceivedas a genre of orature and wise sayings which present well established ideas derived from.

Full text of theories in conflict management see other formats. Pdf documentary analysis as well as discourse analysis approaches. In the article african proverbs are viewed as records of collective memory bound to historical conditions. Focusing on resolving african conflicts is in the best interest of the country. The office of conflict management and mitigation in the bureau for democracy, conflict, and humanitarian assistance dchacmm of the united states agency for international development usaid was established to provide technical leadership on conflict, instability, extrem. The african crisis response initiative and beyond 1997, by dan henk and steven metz pdf with commentary at armywarcollege. Pdf managing conflict in africa maxwell musingafi and. From the broader topic of african peace and conflicts, this paper will look only into the institutional framework of the. Background before the advent of colonialism, the communities living in africa had their own conflict resolution mechanisms. Conflict management is the practice of being able to identify and handle conflicts sensibly, fairly, and efficiently. Specifically, this paper is of the opinion that indigenous conflict management techniques built upon traditional communication systems should be incorporated in a new approach to conflict management, if the african union is desirous of impacting meaningfully on regional peace and security.

Somalia, and eastern congo but also with the crisis in. African ethics and the moral possibilities of ubuntu. Conflict resolution and negotiation skills for iintegrated. Conflicts and causes of conflicts in africa project topics. It is apt to observe that africa has experienced both types of conflict over the years.

Analysis of conflict prevention and conflict resolution interventions by the. The impact analysis focuses on interventions in the areas of diplomacy, mediation and peace support operations psos. The concept paper series is the joint centers paper series addressing topics and concepts of foremost importance for understanding the dynamics of. Those mechanisms were geared toward fostering peaceful coexistence among the africans. These recommendations are aimed at both the government and. The article reconsiders the conflict management and conflict resolution debate and indicts former colonial powers and powerful organisations for maintaining colonialstyle approaches to african conflicts at the expense of a desire to address the fundamental.

African countries share similarities but are also different. Pdf african union, conflict, and conflict resolution in africa. Diagnosis and response pamela aall 1 executive summary responding to violent conflict begins with a diagnosis of what the conflict is about what are the causes and triggers that transform a disagreement into an armed. The african union mission in burundi amib the african union mission in burundi amib, 20032004, was the very first effort made by the au to intervene in the management of a conflict within the borders of a member state as provided by its constitutive act. First, the report includes a concise summary of the presentations that. The meeting generated a number of key recommendations for better conflict management and prevention strategy. Robbins16 identifies three sources of organizational conflict and indicates that an understanding of the source of a conflict improves the probability of effective conflict management.

Nurse managers are central to conflict management and a healthy work environment. Conflict, conflict prevention, conflict management and beyond. This is what is at the core of south africa s african agenda south african institute of international affairs 2008, habid 2009. Pdf african union, conflict, and conflict resolution in. Intraregional conflict management by the organization of. A conflict, as a state of disagreement may lead to crisis or violence peters, 2006. The case of uganda by livingstone sewanyana abstract conflicts have always been part of human society and mechanisms to resolve them have often tended to reflect the level of political organisation in a particular society. Conflict management under the african peace and security. Nabudere 1997 mentions that the recent collapse of the somali nationstate and. The traditional african society is rife with varied approaches to conflict management. Pdf african union and conflict resolution in africa researchgate. Conflict is a situation whereby individuals, groups, or countries are involved in disagreement over an issue. Prompted by the rwandan experiment with gacaca, a modernized approach to an indigenous form of dispute settlement developed and applied in the aftermath of the 1994 genocide, international.

On the one hand, it internationalized otherwise local conflicts. African concepts of conflict, as well as the african methods, techniques and processes of conflict prevention, management and resolution aalae, 1994. In africa in particular, an undervalued indigenous conflict management resource is to be found in the sphere of traditional social mechanisms. Thanks to contributions from scholars and practitioners across disciplines as varied as economics, law, international relations, psychology, mathematics and conflict management, a literature on negotiation. The concept of agba elders in yoruba conflict management system, for example, is a yoruba sociopolitical model for conflict resolution, and it is the thirdparty that is responsible for. The role of african women in peace building and conflict. Conflict management in traditional african society. African leaders conviction that south africa can only develop in a stable and peaceful continent. The role of nonstate actors meeting report alisa hotel, accra, ghana 22 march 2011 west africa civil society institute. Egypt, ethiopia and geopolitics of the renaissance dam very few consider that despite the possibility of conflict or cooperation, such changes in the exploitation of the nile river resources are due to changing relations and the need to address longstanding unfair and hegemonic approaches to trans.

Presumably then, the conflicts are a unique mix of these similarities and differences. Integrated water resources management 3 references 3 module 1. In this rapidly changing world it is essential to understand that conflicts are unique and understanding a conflict is the first step on the path to addressing it. The superpower competition for global influence exacerbated and.

Pdf conflict management in traditional african society. Another reason for the increasing ownership of primary responsibility towards conflict resolution in africa by african institutions is the disillusionment with western interventions, double standards and the conditions that come with such. The african unions conflict management capabilities. Working paper the african unions conflict management capabilities paul d. The united states and the transformation of african security. Based on a qualitative analysis of conflict in africa, this paper has identified broad types. With regard to conflict, the aprm has stated as one of its objectives the prevention and reduction of inter and intrastate conflict. They might say that let us split the difference for something better than nothing. However, africa has also witnessed a third type of conflict, namely. Conflict prevention, management and reduction in africa.

A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext. Methods of conflict resolution in african traditional society. Since conflicts in a business are a natural part of the workplace, it is. Conflict resolution and negotiation skills for integrated water resources management iv contents introduction 1 1. South africa is one of the most diverse countries globally and workplace diversity is a reality in healthcare organisations. The african standby forces a solution to african conflicts. From mandela to zuma katabaro miti university of pretoria, south africa abstract this article looks at how the three presidential leaders of south africa nelson mandela, thabo mbeki and jacob zuma, have dealt with various conflict situations on the african continent.

Yet, from a historical and global perspective, africa has been no more prone to violent con. Marshall 2005 page 1 of 28 african regional trends in warfare and political instability the modern state system in subsaharan african1 hereafter referred to simply as africa is relatively new. The challenges of leadership and governance in africa. This paper examines african conflicts and the roles of the african union au in conflict resolution, focusing on the recent zimbabwe and kenya conflicts. Cold war, a field devoted to negotiation theory has emerged. The african union and conflict management africa is a continent rife with conflicts. This is the major stipulation of needs theory, which is compelling for understanding the causes of conflict and conflict resolution in africa. Pdf on sep 21, 2015, adeyemi johnson ademowo and others published conflict management in traditional african society find, read and cite all the. African union and conflict resolution in africa article pdf available in mediterranean journal of social sciences 527. The general tendency was for donor governments to support capacitybuilding in the continent to deal with its conflicts.

Williams october 2011 this publication was made possible by the generous support of the robina. Formed in 1963 and composed of all independent african states, the oau sets as its overall. It can also be said to be an incompatibility, as of two things that cannot be simultaneously fulfilled. The failure of african and external actors to deal effect ively with the conflicts in darfur. Traditional justice and reconciliation after violent conflict. More attention must be given to nonstate traditional actors and methods and their combination with modern forms of conflict transformation, be they statebased or civilsocietybased. African countries, and particularly the drc, to incorporate african traditional ethics ubuntu in the resolution of their conflict for the promotion of peace, freedom, unity, human dignity and development. International conflict or interstate conflicts on the other hand take place between tow or more nations and involve forces of more than one state puchala, 1971. Political insecurity and violent conflicts became increasingly persistent realities of the development scene in africa. The case of burundi damilola taiye agbalajobi department of political science and public administration college of management sciences redeemers university redemption city, ogun state, nigeria abstract. Traditional conflict resolution mechanisms and institutions. Department of public administration, faculty of management sciences, lagos state university, ojo, lagos state, nigeria adejuwon, kehinde david department of public administration, faculty of management sciences, lagos state university.

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